Dulux 500006 Matt Emulsion Paint For Walls And Ceilings - Blue Babe 2.5L

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Dulux 500006 Matt Emulsion Paint For Walls And Ceilings - Blue Babe 2.5L

Dulux 500006 Matt Emulsion Paint For Walls And Ceilings - Blue Babe 2.5L

RRP: £99
Price: £9.9
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The only time I feel alive is when I'm painting. Vincent Van Gogh

Color Charts Blues and greens are cool colours and neighbours on the colour wheel that pair beautifully to create a nature-inspired, fresh feeling of calm. Blue’s other neighbour, purple, brings a feminine, playful appeal to a blue colour scheme, especially when you combine tonal shades like Sugared Lilac and Blue Babe. For pure elegance, greys and blues partner up perfectly to add a dash of sophistication to your serene haven.

Instructions for Use - Stir to ensure paint is completely mixed in hot environments. If new, bare and absorbent surface, seal with this product, thinned 10% with water if necessary. Apply 2 coats with a brush or roller, leave 2-4 hours between coats. Do not apply in very damp or humid conditions or in extreme temperatures. If the colour change is strong then more coats may be required. If you use more than one can, mix them together in a large container or finish in a corner before starting a new can. Leave 2-4 hours to dry. It’s not surprising that the colour of the ocean and the sky is a perennial favourite when it comes to home decorating. Blue is, quite simply, beautiful and the appeal goes far beyond its pretty face. Numerous studies have pointed towards substantial benefits to the mind and body when you surround yourself with soothing colours, and blue is the reigning hue.

No matter how you choose to use shades of blue to decorate your home, you can look forward to coming home to a stunning space that also enhances the peace of mind you’re searching for. Unwanted Food or Drink Products - Once supply conditions are broken, there are a number of factors outside of our control that can affect the quality of a product. Therefore perishable goods such as food and drink cannot be returned. Surface Preparation - New plaster of plasterboard should be sealed with a plaster sealer. For non-powdery surfaces or to cover contrasting colours, prepare with a walls and ceilings primer. Painted surfaces should be sanded, clean and dry. Remove any loose or flaking material. Fill any holes or defects with filler. When sanding, wear a face mask to avoid dust inhalation In keeping with its calming influence, blue is really easy to work with when you’re decorating the home. It pairs beautifully with neutrals, but also makes a splash when combined with complementary colours. To choose the right shades for you, consider what type of feeling you want to evoke throughout your rooms. In terms of calming bedroom colours, pale shades with grey undertones are among the most popular. Use a shade like Quintessential Blue and mix it with one or two other tonal hues for a streamlined, monochromatic colour scheme.

Decorating your home with shades of blue might be the answer to living a stress-free, tranquil life. Here’s why. Color Space Conversions Decimal 9615580 Binary 10010010, 10111000, 11011100 Hexadecimal #92b8dc LRV ≈ 45.6% Closest short hex #9bd ΔE = 1.514 RGB rgb(146, 184, 220) RGBA rgba(146, 184, 220, 1.0) rg chromaticity r: 0.265, g: 0.335, b: 0.400 RYB red: 57.255%, yellow: 67.101%, blue: 86.275% Android / android.graphics.Color -7161636 / 0xff92b8dc HSL hsl(209, 51%, 72%) HSLA hsla(209, 51%, 72%, 1.0) HSV / HSB hue: 209° (209.189), saturation: 34% (0.336), value: 86% (0.863) HSP hue: 209.189, saturation: 33.636%, perceived brightness: 69.893% HSL uv (HUSL) H: 239.625, S: 51.772, L: 73.257 Cubehelix H: -154.806, S: 0.494, L: 0.692 TSL T: -2.189, S: 0.091, L: 0.693 CMYK cyan: 34% (0.336), magenta: 16% (0.164), yellow: 0% (0.000), key: 14% (0.137) CMY cyan: 43% (0.427), magenta: 28% (0.278), yellow: 14% (0.137) XYZ X: 41.909, Y: 45.557, Z: 74.281 xyY x: 0.259, y: 0.282, Y: 45.557 CIELab L: 73.257, a: -4.168, b: -22.172 CIELuv L: 73.257, u: -20.028, v: -34.172 CIELCH / LCHab L: 73.257, C: 22.560, H: 259.354 CIELUV / LCHuv L: 73.257, C: 39.609, H: 239.625 Hunter-Lab L: 67.496, a: -7.286, b: -18.003 CIECAM02 J: 64.292, C: 32.116, h: 242.517, Q: 157.976, M: 28.085, s: 42.164, H: 302.359 OSA-UCS lightness: -10.172, jaune: -3.819, green: 1.889 LMS L: 38.219, M: 48.300, S: 73.794 YCbCr Y: 167.818, Cb: 149.428, Cr: 108.762 YCoCg Y: 183.500, Cg: 0.500, Co: 18.000 YDbDr Y: 176.742, Db: 65.088, Dr: 58.466 YPbPr Y: 178.498, Pb: 22.370, Pr: -20.656 xvYCC Y: 169.298, Cb: 147.651, Cr: 109.855 YIQ Y: 176.742, I: -34.203, Q: 3.166 YUV Y: 176.742, U: 21.289, V: -26.970 Okhsl h: 247.305, s: 0.458, l: 0.730 Okhsv h: 247.305. s: 0.326, v: 0.875 Okhwb h: 247.305, w: 0.589, b: 0.125 Oklab l: 0.768, a: -0.026, b: -0.061 Oklch l: 0.768, c: 0.066, h: 247.305 Munsell Color System 5PB 7/8 ΔE = 1.017 Brand Color Vimeo ΔE = 6.682 Random Colors The hexadecimal color code #92b8dc is a medium light shade of cyan-blue. In the RGB color model #92b8dc is comprised of 57.25% red, 72.16% green and 86.27% blue. In the HSL color space #92b8dc has a hue of 209° (degrees), 51% saturation and 72% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 480.04 nm.

If you feel like time is speeding up and you’re always searching for a moment to catch your breath, you’re not alone. Most of us live incredibly fast-paced lives, with technology ensuring we never truly disconnect from the world long enough to de-stress and experience tranquillity. At one end of the spectrum, this results in minor levels of anxiety, impatience and frustration. However, if we don’t make it a priority to unplug from the rat race, health issues often follow. For reasons of hygiene and safety, personal grooming products, cosmetics or items of intimate clothing cannot be returned.

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